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PS2手柄转WII 用转换器 PS2 Controller Adapter for Wii Remote

  • PS2手柄转WII 用转换器 PS2 Controller Adapter for Wii Remote
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:88
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 8
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:18aeec6eced
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家i乐电玩


● Play Wii games on the Nintendo Wii with a PS or PS2 controller easily with this adapter
●No driver needed, plug-n-play
● Built in Turbo (Auto Fire) , eight customizable auto-fire buttons
●The adapter is compatible with the game that works with Wii Classic Controller
●Vibration is not supported



How to customize Turbo@

1. Press the switch on the adapter

2. Then press the button that you need to customize on the PS2 Dualshock

3. Now you finish customizing the TURBO function. Release the switch on the adapter, but keep pressing the button that you set just now. The LED on the adapter will light up, which means the button is successfully customized with TURBO.

4. Repeat the above steps to cancel the TURBO function.

5. The 8 customizable auto-fire buttons can be set or cancelled individually or in batches

6. All settings will be deleted automatically after un-plugging the adapter from your Wii Remote 







